Rose gold gradient with CSS: freeCodeCamp Assignment #5

freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Certification

Hey guys. So, I told you last night that I was blasting though the FCC assignments. Well, I am proud to announce that I have just finished the last assignment for the Responsive Web Design Certification, create a Personal Portfolio Page. Here is a screenshot:

rose gold gradient created with CSS for the freeCodeCamp Responsive Web Design Certification.
Rose gold gradient with CSS: freeCodeCamp Assignment #5 2

I used a “rose gold” background because I am really digging those colours at the moment. I like the way the linear gradient draws your eye to the centre of the page, and is bright without being blaring.

Rose Gold Gradient

Rose gold is a tone that has gained increasing popularity in the last few years. It is an alloy that contains copper, which gives it its unique color.

Code for the rose gold gradient:

body {
background-image: linear-gradient(to right, rosybrown, pink, navajowhite, cornsilk, navajowhite, pink, rosybrown);

Other coding challenges

The challenges were relatively easy – a sticky navigation menu, a responsive grid – but I gave it my best shot and added some design elements that we had covered in the curriculum. Namely, I used the CSS drop-shadow effect on my tiles and aligned the tiles horizontally.

Code for the Navbar

<nav id="navbar">
    <a class="nav-link" href="#about">about</a>
    <a class="nav-link" href="#projects">projects</a>
    <a class="nav-link" href="#contact">contact</a>
  <a class="nav-link" href="#welcome-section">home</a>

CSS for the Navbar

navbar {

position: fixed;
top: 0px;
right: 0;
width: 4em;
background: lavenderblush;
border-radius: 10%;
padding: 10px;

CodePen Page

Here is the link to my CodePen page, just in case you are interested in connecting.

Finishing things is fun!

I have always been mostly a “task oriented” person. I like to plan, put structures into place, and sequentially work until I finish things. This is probably why I thrive on running my own small business, tend to practice solitary pursuits (yoga, meditation) and enjoy a busy but very structured schedule.

Finishing this challenge gave me a sensation is one near to elation – how nearly had I forgotten how much I love to tell a computer what to do! Looking forward to starting the JavaScript course is putting it vey mildly. Check in and watch me grow my skills. I still have some strings to my bow….Peace out.