Miss Rachel Rose – Master in Neuromusic, DJ, Producer

Miss Rachel Rose: Traktor, Ableton Live Producer, singer-songwriter, Masters in Neuromusic.


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DJ Mixes

Dj’ing, Production, Neuromusic

As you can read in my about page, I have a long history of making music. Although I have not achieved success or fame, music has accompanied me in every part of my life. I keep on going.

Learning to mix, post-pandemic, was a key step for getting me back to music production. Producing music intrigued me to study the relationship between the brain, the mind, and music. This field, called Neuromusic, is vast and nascent. It was through the study of Neuromusic, that I realised that it was finally time to learn to read music. And so, I am studying music theory.

Masters Thesis in Neuromusic

The Breathing Brain: Binaural Beats & Heart Rate Variability in Post-Menopausal Women

If you are interested in the brain-mind-music connection, breathing, and binaural beats, then this is the thesis for you! I have published the English-language version on my Google Drive (see link). 🇪🇸 Si quiere leer mi Trabajo de Fin de Master en español, dímelo y le hago llegar una copia.

Further Ambitions

I believe that the purpose of life is to find one’s purpose. Finding one’s purpose is akin to finding oneslef. In order to find your purpose, you need to experiment, set goals, and chip away patiently at your plan until it becomes reality. To make it easier to achieve your goals and find your purpose, it helps to formulate a short-term plan, a medium-term plan, and a long-term plan.

My short-term plan is: finish one song a month during all of 2025. I am determined to publish a song a month from February 2025-February 2026.

My long-term plan is learning to produce music. Making electronic music is both my long-term plan, and my short-term plan. However, a short term plan may change in the -erm- short term. That is, although something may be clear, and dear, to you, sometimes reality forces you to focus on other areas.

The changeable nature of the short-term plan means that it is the hardest to stick to, but also the easiest to pick back up and start again. For example: when I was doing my Masters studies, I didn’t do as much production. However, I knew that I was stil working towards the same long-term goal.

I have been hacking away at music production since the late 1990’s. I am pleased that it has all finally gelled now. I work much more quickly and confidently than I ever have before. I feel empowered to make creative and technical decisions that abide by the “rules” or sound production, but which are also independent and original. I used to find it easy to start and hard to finish. I now find finishing music much, much easier.

My medium-term plan is about studying the music ecosystem in Benidorm. I have a specific interest in the Music Cities Network, and a very focused agenda of my study proposal. Having done a Masters, I thought that I might love to do a PhD. However, after an in-depth conversation with a business coach, I realise that my aims are probably less loftily academic and more earthily practical. So, watch this space. I am cooking something interesting…


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About Miss Rachel Rose

Miss Rachel Rose is a DJ and producer based near Benidorm, Spain. She is a self-taught singer-songwriter with a long-standing passion for music and the music business. Rachel holds a Masters in Neuromusic, and is currently studying solfège, music theory, and composition.

Where to hear catch a live DJ set

I have a weekly gig in Benidorm, at the Caiman Beach Bar.

  • When: Every Saturday
  • Time: 4:00-6 PM (16.00-18:00 hrs) [Set times may change depending on the season – please check my Instagram for updates.]
  • Where: Caiman Beach Bar, Av. de Madrid no.13, Benidorm
  • What to expect: Deep, groovy, funky house music in a seafront location with cocktails, cold beer, and lovely service.